Category: On-line music collections

Discover Staff Favorites for Women’s History Month

By , March 24, 2023 6:54 pm

Throughout history, women have made significant contributions to the world of music. From the medieval period to the present day,female musicians have overcome social and cultural barriers to become successful composers, performers, and music educators.

In celebration of Women’s History Month, RSA staff has put together seven women musicians you should know.

  1. Ella Fitzgerald
  2. Sarah Vaughan
  3. Babe Zaharias
  4. Shoshana Damari
  5. Dinah Washington
  6. Carmen Miranda
  7. Doris Day

Discover more women musicians within the Recorded Sound Archives by visiting our Women Musicians through time collection.

Listen to Stars and Stripes this Memorial Day Weekend

By , May 27, 2022 2:37 pm

Over the years, whether it was a program about the war or just reminding people to remember and honor our many brave, patriotic fallen heroes, Stars and Stripes has always been playing in the background. Here at the Recorded Sound Archives we wanted to share a Piano Roll of the famous Stars and Stripes Forever March.

Did you also know that the Stars and Stripes Forever March by John Philip Sousa was RCA Victor’s billionth record played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the leadership of Serge Koussevitzky?

You can learn more about this achievement by reading the original article post back in 1946.

Here at the Recorded Sound Archives we have digitized this recording which can now be listened to on our website just in time for Memorial Day Weekend.

We hope you have a safe Memorial Weekend and take a moment to remember and honor our many brave, patriotic fallen heroes while listening to this piece.

Discover Staff Favorites from 2021

By , January 14, 2022 8:41 pm
rsa-staff-favorites-from-2021-recorded-sound-archives-fau-librariesDid you know that FAU Libraries has a sound archive which you can access and listen to recordings for research from the comforts of your own home?

Last year, the Recorded Sound Archives digitized 473 albums along with 3,912 songs for those to access reaching over 128 countries, and receiving 168,085 hits from all over the world.


As a New Year’s gift and a welcome to the FAU community we wanted to share a few staff favorites from 2021.


Discover Staff Favorites from 2021

  1. Bolero by Larry Adler
  2. There’s a Lull in My Life by Ella Fitzgerald
  3. Baby, You’ve Got What It Takes by Belford Hendricks’s Orchestra; Dinah Washington
  4. Berceuse by Ruby Helder
  5. The Wedding Samba by Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians; Kenny Gardner
  6. Out O’ Breath by Gloria De Haven; Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians; The Lombardo Trio
  7. Kiss of Fire by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians; Kenny Gardner
  8. Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight by The Lombardo trio; Kenny Gardner; Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians
  9. Ricochet (Rick-O-Shay) by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians; The Lombardo Trio; Kenny Gardner
  10. Tales of the Olympian Gods by Ronald Colman



And let us know in the comments, some of your favorite vintage artists, albums and songs.

Please note, due to copyright some items may only be available as a 45 second snippet.

If you are a Researcher or Educator in need of full access to these recordings, click here.

FAU Students, Faculty and Staff can listen to recordings unrestricted by logging into the Research Station using their FAU NET ID.

Happy 14th Anniversary BioShock! – Lets Talk Vintage Music!

By , August 27, 2021 7:06 pm

Did you know that the whole BioShock video game franchise features vintage music from the early 1930s-50s? Music can be heard playing on a phonograph throughout Rapture. In total, 30 licensed songs can be heard throughout the game. Here at the Recorded Sound Archives you can discover and listen to 8 of these vintage songs.

This year in celebration of BioShock’s 14th anniversary we created this collection highlighting original recordings that can be heard throughout the Bio Shock video game.

Discover the inspiration behind the video game series BioShock and listen to the ORIGINAL recordings here at the Recorded Sound Archives in the collection below.

Happy 14th Anniversary BioShock!

Happy 14th Anniversary BioShock! - Vintage Music Collection

In this collection you can listen to 8 original recordings or versions of those songs that can be heard throughout the video game itself.

[Click here to visit collection]


Happy 5th Anniversary Fallout 4! – Lets Talk Vintage Music!

By , November 10, 2020 11:27 pm
happy-fallout-4-5th-anniversaryHappy 5th Anniversary Fallout 4!
Did you know that the whole Fallout video game franchise features vintage music from the early 1930s-50s?
This year in celebration of Fallout 4’s 5th anniversary we created this collection highlighting original recordings that can be heard throughout the Fallout 4 video game series.
Discover the inspiration behind the video game series Fallout 4 and listen to the ORIGINAL recordings here at the Recorded Sound Archives in the collection below.

Happy 5th Anniversary Fallout 4! – Lets Talk Vintage Music

 Happy 5th Anniversary Fallout 4
In this collection you can listen to 4 original recordings or versions of those songs that can be heard throughout the video game itself.

[Click here to visit collection]

Lola Flores Coloring Page – Celebrate Hispanic Heritage through Music and Portraits

By , October 16, 2020 12:35 am

lola-flores-thumbIn celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Recorded Sound Archives is exploring music through portraits.  This week discover and learn more about Spanish singer, actress, dancer and business woman Lola Flores in the video below.

If you enjoyed learning about Lola Flores you can listen to one of her recordings in the Recorded Sound Archives:

Please feel free to download a coloring page we created of Lola Flores that you can color and hang up in celebration of Hispanic heritage month and we hoped you enjoyed learning a little bit about these Hispanic musicians.

DOWNLOAD – Lola Flores coloring page

To discover more Hispanic/Latin musicians visit :

And follow us on social media as we explore music history through Halloween & LGBTQ history this month.

Desi Arnaz Coloring Page – Celebrate Hispanic Heritage through Music and Portraits

By , October 2, 2020 5:04 pm


In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Recorded Sound Archives is exploring music through portraits.  This week discover and learn more about Cuban American Musician and Bandleader – Desi Arnaz in the video below.

If you enjoyed learning about Desi Arnaz you can listen to five of his recordings in the Recorded Sound Archives:

Please feel free to download a coloring page we created of Desi Arnaz that you can color and hang up in celebration of Hispanic heritage month and join us next week to find out which Latino musician we end up exploring next.

DOWNLOAD – Free Desi Arnaz coloring page

Ernesto Lecuona Coloring Page – Celebrate Hispanic Heritage through Music and Portraits

By , September 25, 2020 2:52 pm

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Recorded Sound Archives is exploring music through portraits. Enjoy the first of four videos created in celebration of Hispanic/Latino artists. This week discover and learn more about Cuban composer and pianist – Ernesto Lecuona and Lecuona’s Cuban Boys in the video below.

If you enjoyed learning about Ernesto Lecuona you can listen to two of his recordings in the Recorded Sound Archives:

Please feel free to download a coloring page we created of Ernesto Lecuona that you can color and hang up in celebration of Hispanic heritage month and join us next week to find out which Latino musician we end up exploring next.

DOWNLOAD – Free Ernesto Lecuona coloring page

It’s National Hot Dog Month – Enjoy Some Songs!

By , July 28, 2020 3:24 pm


Did you know it’s National Hot Dog month? We had almost forgotten until a co-worker brought it up in conversation last week.

Here at the Recorded Sound Archives we’ve got a few songs about Hot Dogs that you can listen to from home that we wanted to share!

While digging around to share  Hot Dogs and Knishes with you we discovered a few more songs that were digitized. Enjoy these five songs about hot dogs.

Discover Five Songs About Hot Dogs!

  1. Hot Dogs and Knishes by Aaron Lebedeff
  2. Ooh! Hot Dog by Benny Goodman
  3. Hot Dog by Molly Picon
  4. Sam, the Hot Dog Man by Lil Johnson
  5. Hot Dog by Blind Lemon Jefferson


Please note, due to copyright some items may only be available as a 45 second snippet.

Are you a Researcher or Educator in need of full access to these recordings? Visit the Recorded Sound Archives website to apply for Research Station Access by click here.

How Did Eddy Duchin Become Reisman Orchestra’s Leader by 1932?

By , July 14, 2020 6:58 pm

eddy duchinEddy Duchin never pretended to be a great musician.

One of the members of Eddy Duchin’s orchestra once said “…Many people didn’t listen to him as much as they looked at him, he was the only musician I’ve ever known who could play a thirty-two-bar solo with thirty-two mistakes and get an ovation afterwards…

So how did Eddy Duchin become the Reisman Orchestra Leader by 1932? Well, While enrolled at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy near Cambridge at the age of nineteen Eddy Duchin auditioned for a part in Leo Reisman’s Orchestra as a pianist. Which he got enjoying tremendous popularity in New York’s Central Park Casino. His effortless technique and charming personality not only won him the job. But also made him stand out among the long list of those aspiring to join. Three years later, his personality and flashy style had captured customers and Duchin had himself taken over the engagement becoming the leader of the Reisman Orchestra.

Throughout the 1930s, Duchin’s Orchestra played primarily in hotels like the Waldorf-Astoria in New York and appeared on quite a few radio series along with in two films.

He went on to get married and have a son, named Peter who went on to follow in his father’s musical footsteps. During the war, Duchin joined a commission in the Navy where he paid little attention to music. By the end of the war his popularity had declined and so had his health. In 1951, he passed away from leukemia.

Discover more recordings at Recorded Sound Archives

Here at the Recorded Sound Archives, you can listen to recordings by both Eddy Duchin and Leo Reisman’s Orchestra.

Please note, due to copyright some items may only be available as a 45 second snippet.

Are you a Researcher or Educator in need of full access to these recordings? Visit the Recorded Sound Archives website to apply for Research Station Access by click here.

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