
Performers can specialize in any musical style, and some performers play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a performer's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. The performers found on the Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) website are either in the public domain, or have signed an agreement allowing us to stream their music through our website. There are well over 100,000 recordings of various types, all of which can be searched for. Not all performers or songs are made available due to copyright restrictions in these instances only a listing for the recording will appear or a snippet can be heard. If no recordings appear below it is because this performer's music has not yet been digitized. If you would like to request this artist be digitized, please click here.

Total: 87

A Collection of Jewish Folk-Songs
A Pastuchel
Akavyu Ben Mahalel Oimer
Akavyu Ben Mahalel Oimer
Al Chet!
Ato Yazarto
Av Horachamim Hoo lyrachaim
Boruch Adonoi Bayom
Brochos Fun Halel
Cantor Mordecai Hershman sings Jewish Folk Songs
Cantor Mordechai Hershman - Cantorial Compositions...
Cantorial Compositions & Concert Selections, volum...
Cantorial Gems
Cantorial Rarities
Cantorial Songs
Chasnd'l off Shabos; Mikita
Chazanim and Chazanut - Cantors and Cantorials
Chazonim Auf Probe
Chazonim oif probe
Cheschobojn Zedek
Concert with the Great Cantors
Der Lamden
Des pastuchel
Die Brochos Fun Halel
Dos pastuchel
Dus Yiddishe Lied
Ein Kemechal
Fifty Minutes With Mordecai Hershman
Fleishige Yidden, Milchige Yidden un Pareve Yidden
Golden Voices of Israel Yiddish Masterieces
Golden Voices of the Synagogue
Great Cantors of the Past - Volume 1
Great Voices of Israel
Great Voices of the Synagogue
Havdolo (Sabbath Prayer)
In Cheder'l
In Cheder'l/A Dudele
Jeshajes N'vuoh
Jewish Nostalgy
Jewish Nostalgy
Leolom Yehei Odom
Lieder Krantz, Ershter Theil
Lieder Krantz, Ershter Theil
Min Ametzar
Misratzeh B'rachamim
Misratzeh B'rachmim
Mogen Ovos
Mordecai Hershman Sings Folk Songs of the Shtetl
Mordechai Hershman Sings Yiddish Folk Songs - Volu...
Music, Russia & Chagall
Musical Favorites Commemorating Israel's 25th Anni...
Mysteries of the Sabbath - Classic Cantorial Recor...
Ovinu Malkeinu
Rare Cantorial Gems
Sand un Sterne
Seven Great Cantors
Sh'ma Koleinu
Sh'ma Koleinu/Al Tashlicheinu Lees Ziknoh (L’eit...
Shema Kolenu
Sheva B'roches Lachupeh
Ten Great Cantors
The Art of Cantor Mordechai Hershman - Volume 4
The Art of Cantor Mordechai Hershman - Volume 5
The Best Cantorial Works of Cantor Mordechai Hersh...
The Golden Age of Cantors
The Great Cantors
The Seventh Day
The Voice of Mordecai Hershman - Ninety Minutes of...
The Yiddish Folk Singer - Volume 2
Tikanto Shabos
Tikanto Shabos
Umipnei Chatoeinu
Umipnei Chatoeinu
V' yo, V' yo Ferddelach
V'ohavto Lereacho Komochu
V'yo V'yo Ferdelach
Yiddish Masterpieces
Yismach Moisheh
Zurim Omrem