Cleveland revisited

Jack Saul’s furniture store
When Nat was informed by the Saul family that they discovered the family’s deserted furniture store was filled with recordings they previously knew nothing about, he was stunned. He had already gone to Cleveland to assess, pack and manage the delivery of the largest donation of recordings in the history of FAU Libraries. And now there were just as many recordings, if not more, that needed to be looked at.
Dr. William Miller, Dean of FAU Libraries, told Nat to go back to Cleveland to assess the situation. They needed to decide what to do next. Nat left for Cleveland on Friday, October 2, 2009. What he found was truly unbelievable.
Nat estimates that there are approximately another 50,000 recordings in the store and house that would be approriate to ship to FAU LIbraries. Nat will return in November with Ben Roth and Alethea Perez to pack up what was found in the store and also some of what was left in the house. There will be no shipment in November, though, due to the fact that weather conditions can be treacherous during the winter ice and snow season. But in the spring, Nat and the others will return to finish putting the records into boxes and to oversee the loading of the final truck shipment to FAU Libraries in Boca Raton, FL.

Stacks of 78 rpm records

Always room for more?
Wow .. What a treasure!
Great Blog, by the way. Excellent addition to JSA @ FAU Libraries!
Keep it up! 🙂