
Performers can specialize in any musical style, and some performers play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a performer's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. The performers found on the Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) website are either in the public domain, or have signed an agreement allowing us to stream their music through our website. There are well over 100,000 recordings of various types, all of which can be searched for. Not all performers or songs are made available due to copyright restrictions in these instances only a listing for the recording will appear or a snippet can be heard. If no recordings appear below it is because this performer's music has not yet been digitized. If you would like to request this artist be digitized, please click here.

Total: 23

Der freilicher chazen
Der Gazlen beim telofon
Der Gazlen beim telofon; Ich Vil Gehem In Cheder
Der Gazlen Beim Telofon; Ich Vil Nit Gehn In Chede...
Der Junk Peddler; A Mensch Ken Doch Machen Amol A ...
Der Tantz Master
Die Galitzianer Chasench
Ich benk a heim
Ich fohr nit auf kein car
Ich vil nit zein kein rebbi
Ihr Kent Sich Forshteln
Istshe Ellye mit der kapellye
Kabtzen Wie Kriechsti
Lom Ich Frier Alten Derbei
Ludwig Satz & Aaron Lebedeff Sing Their Greatest Y...
Ludwig Satz at the Yiddish Theatre - Volume 2
Ludwig Satz sings His Most Famous Yiddish Theatre ...
Man Legt Es Arouf Auf Mir
Memories of the Yiddish Theater
Miriomi Meins
Yiddish Theater - A Collection: 1908-1928