
Performers can specialize in any musical style, and some performers play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a performer's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. The performers found on the Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) website are either in the public domain, or have signed an agreement allowing us to stream their music through our website. There are well over 100,000 recordings of various types, all of which can be searched for. Not all performers or songs are made available due to copyright restrictions in these instances only a listing for the recording will appear or a snippet can be heard. If no recordings appear below it is because this performer's music has not yet been digitized. If you would like to request this artist be digitized, please click here.

Total: 398

Barber of Seville/Shanghai
Songs From Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven...
1985 Israeli Chassidic Festival
A Meeting of the Hen-Roost Club
A Meeting Such as This (Such a Meeting)
A Souvenir Album Whiffenpoofs Class of 1942
A Summer Day
A Visit From Benny the Bee
A Walk in the Forest
Achachau / La Palizada; Munahuanqui
Actual Moments in the Reception to Colonel Charles...
Advance Information (The Great American Value for ...
Aeroplane Motor Idling
Aeroplane Taking Off and Circling
Alice Where Art Thou?; Home in Pasadena
Alphabet Song / Ten Little Indians
American Patriotic & Marching Songs
American Singer: American Ballads and Spirituals, ...
American Singer: American Songs / American Games ...
American Singer: Animals - Birds, Book 1
American Singer: Around the Calendar / Great Compo...
American Singer: Around the Calendar, Book 3
American Singer: Early American Songs and Chanteys...
American Singer: Favorite Songs / Songs of the Old...
American Singer: Games and Dances, Book 3
An Evening With the Minstrels - No. 4
An Evening With the Minstrels No. 5
Anchor's Aweigh
Antony's Address Over the Body of Caesar / An Old ...
April 21 Part 1; April 21 Part 2
Around the Calendar
Arrival of the British Troops in France
As you Like It
At The Seashore; A Pleasant Surprise
Auto Starting, Shifting Gear, Blowing Horn / Auto ...
Baa Baa Black Sheep; London Bridge is Falling Down...
Babes in Toyland
Backyard Conversation Between Two Jealous Irish Wa...
Backyard Conversation Between Two Jealous Irish Wa...
Ballet; Vniz po Matushke po Volge
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere / Little Grey Home In ...
Beautiful Ohio
Ben Bolt
Beth El North Suburban Synagogue Learning the Haft...
Bialystok in America - Recorded History of 50 Year...
Blezdingele (The Swallows); Sukcius (The Cheat); J...
Blinky, The Lighthouse Ship
Blue Bells of Scotland (Bell Solo)
Blue Room-F.T.;Am I Blue
Blue Skies; Good Night Ladies
Blue Tail Fly / Favorites for Little Americans
Bombardment / Machine Guns / Tank Effects
Bombardment / Machine Guns / Tank Effects
Bozo and the Birds
Bugle Calls - Tattoo / Taps / Mess / Commence Firi...
Bugle Calls of the United States Army; Tambour Der...
Call Me Your Darling Again
Caprice Viennois
Chagay Tishrei (The Holidays of Tishrei): Rosh Has...
Challenger Plane
Chants from the Bible: Sabbath · Holiday · Festi...
Chanukah in Israel 1959 / Christmas in Israel 1959
Children's Best-Loved Classics
Christmas Carols (Noel - God Rest You Merry Gentle...
Christmas in Israel 1961 / Folk Music of Israel
Christmas in Israel 1962 / Chanukah in Israel 1962
Cinderella - Part 1
Cinderella / Best Liked Kiddie Songs: Skip to my L...
Cinderella Part 1 & 2
Civilization / Hawaiian War Chant
Cohen on the Telephone / Cohen Telephones the Gas ...
Colonel Bogey; Sons of the Brave
Comin' Round the Mountain / Goodbye Old Paint
Comin' Round the Mountain; Chisholm Trail / Waitin...
Coon Songs
Cruising Down The River / Old Father Thames
Dance with Rivka
Dancing In The Streets Vol. 1
David and Bathsheba, How Green was my Valley
Dawn in an Old World Garden / Nightingales
Dickory Dickory Dock and Girls Boys Come Out to Pl...
Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling
Dixie / The One-Step
Dixie /Carry Me Back To Old Virginny
Dodi Li / Iti Milvanon
Dog Bark / Baby Crying / Angry Mob
Eileen Allanna
Engine in Roundhouse / Train - Constant with Whist...
Enjoy-Enjoy: Listen or Dance to The Beat with a Je...
Esser Etzba'ot Li Yesh (I have ten fingers)
Eternity / Twenty-thirt Psalm and Lord's Prayer
Fancy Pants / Do You Ever Think of Me
Farewell, My Love (Aloha Oe)
Farmer in the Dell; A Tisket A Tasket, Pussy Cat P...
Father & Sons
Favorite Hawaiian Hula Medley (Hawaiian Guitar Due...
Fiddler on the Roof
Folkdances of Israel
Folkdances of Israel
Forge in the Forest
From Passover thru Shevuot - Songs and Stories
Funeral Service Over President McKinley
Funny Girl A New Musical
Getting Some Fun Out of Life
Git Along Little Dogie / Lone Prairie
Goodbye Old Paint; Home on the Range; Rock Candy M...
Grandfather's Farm
H.R. Pufnstuff
Hail to the Bride March
Hansel & Gretel
Hansel and Gretel
Happy Hunting - Original Cast Recording
Harishon '89: The Best From Israel
Harishon: Songs and Dances of Israel
Harishon: Volume II - Songs & Dances of Israel
Hawaiian Cha Cha
Hawaiian Medley (Guitar Duet)
Hazdivstvo; V Polu
He Lei No Kaiulani (Guitar Duet)
Hello Louis! A Celebration Of Satchmo's 70th Birth...
Hello/Good-Bye 14th Ave.
Here we go round the Mulberry Bush /Humpty Dumpty ...
Herzl Jubilee
Hey Diddle Diddle Little Miss Muffet / Molly Malon...
Hey, Diddle, Diddle
Home on the Range; Waitin' for the Wagon
Home, School & Transportation - Book 1
Horse Galloping (2 cuts)
Hozhu po Ulitse; Ty idi Korovushka Domoy
Humpty Dumpty; Jack and Jill; A Tisket A Tasket; O...
I Beg You, Heart / 'Mbilta; Masonquo Solo
I Want You for Christmas
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
I'm Going Back to Dixie / 'Lizbeth Ann
I'se Going Back to Dixie
If He Comes In, I'm Goin' Out / Coming Out To-Nigh...
Ile-Ile / Tari Piring Sadang Lawas ; Tumba Lela-Le...
In a Little Red Schoolhouse / Schooldays
In a Theater - Orchestra Tuning Up / Noise of Audi...
In Florida Among the Palms
In Israel Today - Volume 1: Songs and Dances of th...
In Israel Today - Volume 2: Music of the Jews from...
In Israel Today - Volume 3: Songs of the Jews from...
In Israel Today - Volume 4: Music of the Jews from...
Indian Songs, Rhythms and Games
Instrumental Combinations No. 3 / No. 4
Instrumental Combinations No. 5 / No. 6
International Morse Code: A Course of Practical In...
International Morse Code; A Course Of Practical In...
Introducing Part Singing
Invincible Eagle March
Invitation to Yiddish
Israel Chassidic Festival 1982
Israel Song Festival 1970
Israel's Independence Celebration Program
Israeli Chassidic Song Festival 1982 - No. 14
Israeli Folk Dances - Dances for All Ages
Israeli Folk Dances with Moshe Telem, Vol. 3
Italian Airs / Operatic Airs
Jack and Jill / All Around the Mulberry Bush
Jerusalem 20
Jizni Slunce / Repete
Joel Grey in George M!
Johnny's So Long At The Fair/ Simple Simon Humpty ...
Journey Through Song - No. 2
Kentucky Babe / The Maxixe
Ki Eshmerah Shabbat (A Family Shabbat), Volume 1: ...
King of the Bungaloos
Kiss My Honey Do (Dinah Song)
Kuni Leml in Tel Aviv
L'chu N'ranenah / Elohai Neshama
Lachan Journey to China - July 2006
Latest Folk Songs
Laudamus Te
Laughing Story - Uncle Josh Arrival in New York
Learning to Read Hebrew with Records
Listen and Sing! Christmas/Jesus, the Children's F...
Little Bo Peep / Sleep Baby Sleep Bye Baby Bunting
Little Pedro
Little Red Riding Hood - Part 1
Little Red Riding Hood 1 and 2
Little Red Riding Hood, Part 1-2
Little Red Riding Hood- A Junior Operetta
Little Songs For Little Ones
Little White Duck / She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Live At The Renaissance
London Bridge is Falling Down / Hi Diddle Diddle L...
Lucia di Lammermoor,
Lullabies and Fancies
Mack the Knife
Mai Poina Ol Ia'U (Forget Me Not)
Mansion of Aching Hearts
March of a Marionette / March of the Three Kings
March of the Dwarfs / March Slav
Marche Lorraine / President's March
Marry Me! Marry Me! - An Original Soundtrack Recor...
Medley No. 1 - Little Jack Horner, There was a Cro...
Medley No. 5, Humpty Dumpty, Mistress Mary, Pop Go...
Medley of Jigs and Reels
Medley of Plantation Songs
Medley of Traditional Songs - The Butcher
Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party
Mickey's Grand Opera / The Orphans' Benefit
Mister Pickle in the Old Country / Mister Pickle R...
Mocking Bird
More Chassidic Greatest Hits
More Chassidic Greatest Hits
Mother India; Who Will Buy My Violets
Motorola Presents 3-Channel Stereophonic High Fide...
Music From Walt Disney's Mary Poppins and other ch...
Music of Great Composers
Music of the Middle East
Music of the World's People, Volume 2
My Beloved Garden; Lullaby
My Creole Sue
My Fair Lady
My Isle of Golden Dreams
My Son John, Cock a Doodle Doo / The Emperor's New...
Nakinuv Plashtch; Vyhozu Odin Na Ya Dorogu
Nature and Fancy / Lullabies
Now and Long Ago- Album 2 from Book 3
Now and Long Ago- Album 3 from Book 3
Now and Long Ago- Album 5 from Book 3
Now and Long Ago- Album 8 from Book 3
Now and Long Ago- Album 9 from Book 3
Now and Long Ago; Album 1 from Book 3
Nursery Favorites
Nursery Games, Part 1-2
Nursery Lullabies
Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?
On To Victory March
Once Upon a Time - Israel Hit Tunes of Yesteryear ...
One, Two, Three, Four
Onward, Christian Soldiers
Over There
Overture to Masaniello
Overture William Tell Part 1 / Part 2
Palm Branches
Parlor Piano-1915-1927 Blues and Stomps from Rare ...
Passenger Elevator Sounds / Underground Train Soun...
Pick the Winner (A Horse Race Game for Parties)
Pied Piper of Hamelin
Pilgrims' Chorus
Please Keep Me in Your Dreams / Trust In Me
Poor Butterfly (Tenor Solo)
Poor Pauline
Popeye Polution Solution, part 1-2
Poppurri iz Russkich Piesen 1;Poppurri iz Russkich...
Pops for Tots
Portrait of Nazareth - A Special Christmas Program...
President Roosevelt's Address to the Congress of t...
Ragtime Piano Roll Classics Archive of Jazz V.13
Rainbow Brite and the Big Color Mixup
Rainbow Trio Medley / Transoniled Medley
Ranenu Chassidim
Rats / Dog
Recreational Folkdances of Israel #3
Recreational Folkdances of Israel #4
Red Army Nurse's Song
Red Army Song and Dance - Vol 1
Rhythm Band Patterns, Vol. 2
Rhythm Sensing and Notation
Rhythms - Book 1
Rhythms - Book 1 Part 2
Riding Through the Glen
Sand Dance
Santa Claus Hides in the Phonograph; Christmas Mor...
Santiago Waltz
School Days - Part 1 & 2
Schottische from Yankee Consul Dance Orchestra
Schubert Serenade / Ted Lewis Popular Favorites
Seasons and Special Days - Book 1
See Saw Margery Daw, This Little Pig Went to Marke...
Shalom 84 - Israeli Dance Institute
Shalom Aleichem Centenary Broadcast
Ship Ahoy!
Shirei Shabat (Songs of the Sabbath)
Sicilian Roses / The Spoiled Cornet Solo
Simple Simon, Humpty Dumpty / Old Dan Tucker
Sing a Song of Sixpence; Little Miss Muffet / Jing...
Singing and Playing
Singing Games
Singing Games - Book 1
Six Chosen Stories for Children
Sleeping Beauty - Part 1
Smokey the Bear / Get Along Little Doggie, Polly W...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snowdrop / A Diller a Dollar to Market to Market
So We Sing
Sonccuiman / Los Jilacatas
Song of the Black Hussars; Grief
Song Stories and Lullabies
Songs at Western Campfires
Songs For Children
Songs for Rosh Hashana and Succot
Songs For Sleepyheads
Songs from Singing On Our Way
Songs of Other Lands
Sounds Heard From Moving Car in Traffic / As Above...
South Pacific
Speech Training and Choral Speaking - Record 1, Pa...
St. Louis Woman
Step It Out; Araby
Stories That Never Grow Old
Sunday School with Uncle Earle
Superman: The Myxzptik Menace (Part 1-2)
Swing Your Partner
Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin, Opera
Ten Years That Built A World
Tenting Tonight On the Old Camp Ground
The Adventures of the Lone Ranger
The Adventures of the Lone Ranger
The Adventures of the Lone Ranger
The Adventures of the Lone Ranger
The Arkansaw Traveller
The Ballad of Davy Crockett; Cowboy Favorites
The Carebears: The Twelve Days of Christmas
The Christmas Carol Story of the Nativity
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Even More Complete collection of... Rechnitzer...
The Farmer in the Dell, Jack and Jill / I Saw a Sh...
The Frog And the Crow
The Glory of the Sephardic Heritage
The Golden Bird
The Gregorian High Mass
The Happy Offspring / Something To Remember
The Instruments of the Orchestra
The Jolly Coppersmith
The Jolly Miller
The Laughing Record #1 / #2
The Loveliness of You / Till the Clock Strikes Thr...
The Mocking Bird
The Mocking Bird Medley / Jim Lawson's Song
The More Complete Collection of Rechnitzer Rejects...
The Nutcracker
The Okeh Laughing Record
The Old Church Organ
The Old Folks at Home
The Recorded Detailman / Concerto No. 2 in C Minor
The Shoemaker and The Elves
The Ugly Duckling
The Unfinished Dance
The Zulu & the Zayda
They Were All Doing The Same (Solo)
Three Little Kittens, Pat a Cake; Bury Me Not on t...
Through The Air
Thunder Storm / Sea Effects / Running Brook / Wate...
Ticklish Reuben
Tom,Tom,The Piper's Son /Tom the Piper's Son
Touchdown Mickey /Dance Of Leopard Boys
Train Approaching and Passing Point / Train Going ...
Tramp Tramp Tramp The Boys are Marching / Marche M...
True Confession / Farewell My Love
Tunes for Wee Folks
Turkey in the Straw / The Arkansas Traveler
Turn Ye To Me; My Wild Irish Rose; Loch Lomond
Twelve Night
Twilight Shadows
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / Sing a Song of Six P...
Two Gun Mickey /Don Donald
Two-Part Singing
Ugly Ducking
Uncle Josh's Troubles in a Hotel
Valencia / The British Grenadiers
Varsity Drag / Darktown Strutters Ball
Venetian Moon
Wabash Blues / Linger Awhile
Wallace Reducing Record No. 4
Walt Disney Presents Songs For Bedtime
Walt Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- A Whal...
Walt Disney's Cinderella Story and Songs
Walt Disney's Dumbo
Walt Disney's Merriest Songs
Walt Disney's Pinocchio
Walt Disney's Silly Symphony / Walt Disney's Micke...
Walt Disney's Snow White & th Seven Dwarfs Origina...
Waltz of the Flowers / Schubert Waltz
Washington Post March
When Irish Eyes are Smiling; The Isle O'Dreams; Wh...
Where Are You Going to my Pretty Maid?
Whispering Flowers
Wind and Hurricane / Thunder Storm
Wir Fahren Gegen Engeland / Heut Stechen Wir Ins B...
Women Cantors in Concert
Wonderful Copenhagen /Early One mornig
You Were Meant For Me / Beg Your Pardon