A Rare Batch Of Louis Armstrong 1926/29 Plus the B...
A Rare Batch of Satch (The Authentic Sound of Loui...
A Study In Frustration The Fletcher Henderson Stor...
Achive of Jazz: Louis Armstrong in New York
Ambassador Satch - Louis Armstrong and His All Sta...
An Evening with Louis Armstrong
Bing Crosby- Louis Amrstrong
Cake Walkin' Babies; Jazz Lips
Eddie Condon's World of Jazz
Fletcher Henderson Developing An American Orchestr...
Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra 1923-1924
Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra 1923-1927
Fletcher Henderson: First Impression V.1 1924-1931
Gene Norman Presents An Evening with Louis Armstro...
George Gershwin: Porgy and Bess - Ella Fitzgerald ...
Giants Of Jazz Johnny Dodds
I've Got The World On A String
Johnny Dodds Weary Way Blues
Louis 'Country B. Western' Armstrong
Louis and the Dukes of Dixieland
Louis Armstrong - Mostly Blues
Louis Armstrong - The ABC Collection
Louis Armstrong 11: Satchmo For Ever!... 1953 - 19...
Louis Armstrong 3: Louis with Guest Stars
Louis Armstrong 4: Swing that Music 1936-1938
Louis Armstrong 6: Satchmo's Collectors Items 1936...
Louis Armstrong 7: Satchmo's Discoveries 1936-1938
Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington
Louis Armstrong and Eddie Condon at New Port
Louis Armstrong and His Friends
Louis Armstrong And King Oliver
Louis Armstrong and The All Stars - Old Favorites
Louis Armstrong at the Crescendo
Louis Armstrong At The Winter Garden New York, Jun...
Louis Armstrong Carnegie Hall 1947
Louis Armstrong in Canada Vancouver B.C.
Louis Armstrong in Prague Lucerna Hall 1965
Louis Armstrong In Sweden
Louis Armstrong In the 1930s
Louis Armstrong Integral Nice Concert 1948 Vol. 1
Louis Armstrong July 4, 1900, July 6, 1971
Louis Armstrong meets Oscar Peterson
Louis Armstrong On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy
Louis Armstrong Snake Rag
Louis Armstrong Struttin' With Some Barbecue
Louis Armstrong Talks About Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong Town Hall Concert 1947 (the unissu...
Louis Armstrong with Edmund Hall's All Stars 1947
Louis Armstrong With Fletcher Henderson and his Or...
Louis Armstrong's All Stars Basin Street Blues
Louis Armstrong's Hello, Dolly!
Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet with the Clarence W...
Louis Armstrong- Do You Know What It Means To Miss...
Louis Armstrong: New Orleans Function
Louis Armstrong: Satchmo Serenades
Louis: Louis Armstrong Chicago Concert
Mr. Armstrong Plays the Blues (1925-1927)
New Discoveries Louis Amstrong
New Orleans: Louis Armstrong Billie Holiday
Rare Fletcher Henderson Masterpieces
Rare Recordigs of the Twenties Vol. 3
Red Beans and Ricey Yours… Louis Armstrong in Ne...
Satchmo - A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstro...
Satchmo 1928-1930 - A Musical Autobiography Of Lou...
Satchmo Hot Fives and Sevens
Satchmo Style: Louis Armstrong, Jack Purvis
Satchmo: A musical autobiography of Louis Armstron...
Spotlight On Louis Armstrong And Glen Gray
Superstars of Traditional Jazz
The All Stars In Philadelphia 1948-1949
The Best Of A Wonderful World
The Best of Louis Armstrong
The Best of Louis Armstrong
The Essential Louis Armstrong
The flat foot floogee; Caravan
The Genius of Louis Armstrong Volume 1: 1923-1933
The Gershwin Collection: An Historical Treasury of...
The Great Reunion - Louis Armstrong & Ellington
The Great Soloists 1925-1932
The Jazz Makers : louis Armstrong and His Orchestr...
The Louis Armstrong Story Volumen 3 - Louis Armstr...
The One and Only Louis Armstrong
Young Louis: The Side Man (1924 - 1927)