
Performers can specialize in any musical style, and some performers play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a performer's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. The performers found on the Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) website are either in the public domain, or have signed an agreement allowing us to stream their music through our website. There are well over 100,000 recordings of various types, all of which can be searched for. Not all performers or songs are made available due to copyright restrictions in these instances only a listing for the recording will appear or a snippet can be heard. If no recordings appear below it is because this performer's music has not yet been digitized. If you would like to request this artist be digitized, please click here.

Total: 70

A Canzone d'e Stelle
A la Luz de la Luna (By the Light of the Moon)
A la luz de la luna - By the Light of the Moon
A la luz de la luna - By the Light of the Moon
A Vucchella - A Little Posy
A Vucchella - A Little Posy
Angela Mia - My Angel
Ay-Ay-Ay; Cancion Andaluza
Ay-Ay-AY; Cancion Andaluza
Cherry Duet
Dalla Sua Pace (On Her, My Treasure)
Dalla sua pace - On Her All Joy Dependeth (Act 1)
Dream of love; Ave Maria
Ecco Ridente in Cielo (Dawn With Her Rosy Mantle)
Ecco ridente in cielo - Down with Her Rosy Mantle ...
Ecco ridente in cielo -Dawn With Her Rosy Mantle (...
El Gaucho - Tango
Fantaise aux divins mensonges (Idle Fancies) (Act ...
Granadinas (Farewell, My Granada)
Granadinas - Farewell, My Granada
Ideale - My Ideal
Ideale - My Ideal
Il Sogno (The Dream) (Act 2)
Jota (Spanish Song)
Jota - Spanish Song
La Boheme:Act lV
La campana di san giusto; Mamma Mia, Che vo sapete...
La Cumparsita - Tango
La donna e mobile (Woman is Fickle) (Act 3)
La Favorita - Una Vergine un angiol di dio (Like A...
La Niña Querida - The Darling Girl
La Tosca - "E lucevan le stelle" (The Stars Were S...
Largo; Ave Maria
Lucia: Verranno a te sull' aura; La Sonnambula: So...
Madrigal Espanol (Spanish Madrigal)
Martha-M'Appari; Elisir D'Amore-Una furtiva lagrim...
Migno-Addio, Mignon!; Mignon-Ah! non crede vi tu
Napulitanata (Fair Maiden of Naples)
Napulitanata - Fair Maiden of Naples
Notturno - Tornami a dir - Act 3
O Colombina, Il Tenero Fido
O Marenariello - The Little Sailor
O Marinariello - The Little Sailor
Pesca D'ammore - Love's Angling
Piscatore 'e Pusilleco - The Fisherman of Pusillec...
Princesita (Little Princess)
Princesita - Little Princess
Princesita - Little Princess
Questa O Quella ('Mid the Fair Throng)
Questo O Quella ('Mid the Fair Throng) (Act 1)
Quiereme Mucho (Serenata Criolla) - Love Me Deeply...
Quiereme Mucho (Serenata Criolla) - Love Me Deeply...
Rigoletto - "Questa o quella" (Mid The Fair Throng...
Santa Lucia (Neoplitan Folk Song)
Santa Lucia -
Sei tu
Serenata / Serenata medioevale (Seranade of Olden ...
Serenata D'Arlecchino (Harlequin's Serenade) (Act ...
Serenata d'Arlecchino - Harlequin's Serenade (Act ...
Son tutta duolo (Aria Antica) - I Am Suffering
Tornami a dir (Act 3)
Tornami a Dir Che M'ami (Once Again Let Me Hear Th...
Un di felice (Act 1)
Un Di Felice (Act 1)
Un Di Felice, Eterea
Vieni sul mar! - Come to the Sea