
Performers can specialize in any musical style, and some performers play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a performer's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. The performers found on the Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) website are either in the public domain, or have signed an agreement allowing us to stream their music through our website. There are well over 100,000 recordings of various types, all of which can be searched for. Not all performers or songs are made available due to copyright restrictions in these instances only a listing for the recording will appear or a snippet can be heard. If no recordings appear below it is because this performer's music has not yet been digitized. If you would like to request this artist be digitized, please click here.

Total: 32

A Passover Family Seder with Paul Zim
A Time for Prayer and Joy
A Yiddish Delight
Can You Answer Me?/Hatuchal Anot?
Cantor Paul Zim Prayers T'fileh
Cantorial Favorites for the High Holidays
Chassidic Treasures
From Sunset to Sunset
Golda Meir: Israel's Woman of Valor
Hooray For Chanukah
It's Jewish Holiday Time
Jerusalem Forever!
Jewish Broadway" Is Alive And Kicking! Paul Zim Re...
Let My People Laugh and Sing
Let's Sing Z'mirot
Paul Zim Presents The Kooky Cookie Kids
Paul Zim Remembers Moshe Koussevitsky
Paul Zim Sings
Paul Zim Sings Disco-Fever of the Chassidic Kind
Paul Zim sings Forever Yiddish
Paul Zim Sings Some of Your Favorites
Paul Zim sings The Strength of our People
Paul Zim's Passover Seder Sing-A-Long
Simcha Simcha - Sing and Dance with Me
Sing it Chassidic
Sing It Chassidic
Strickly Yiddish sings Some of Mamma's Favorites
The Liturgy in Song for the New Year (Part 1)
The Musical World of Paul Zim
We Shall Live! Yiddish Songs of The Holocaust
With Heart and Soul
Yiddish Favorites