The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

Recital De Canciones Folkoricas En Yidish

Additional information (PDF) is only available
through the Research Station
Catalogue NumberRL 20000
Matrix Number XLD 35904/5
Record Label Londisc
Record Format33 1/3 RPM - 12"
Shelf Number401335
Number of Tracks10
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Recital De Canciones Folkoricas En Yidish

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - Dos Klesmerl (El Violinista)
Composer(s) : comp: Kohn-Naiman; arr: George Andreani
2 - In Lib Di Ganze Welt (Amo al Mundo)
Composer(s) : comp: Kova-Hanna; arr: George Andreani
3 - A Guite Woch (Felices Días)
Composer(s) : comp: Broderson; arr: George Andreani
4 - Baim Brunen (Junto el Aljibe)
Composer(s) : comp: folk; arr: George Andreani
5 - Papir Is Wais (Paper Blanco)
Composer(s) : comp: folk; arr: George Andreani
6 - Geinisht Mit Andere Meidalej (Nunca me Abandones)
Composer(s) : arr: George Andreani
7 - El Trineo (Folktor Rumano)
Composer(s) : comp: Lumans; arr: George Andreani
8 - Main Lerer Yosale (Mi Maestro José)
Composer(s) : comp:Cyganeri-A. Shevaj; arr: George Andreani
9 - Duche Maine (Alma Mía)
Composer(s) : comp:D. Licht; arr: George Andreani
10 - In Der Finster (En la Oscuridad)
Composer(s) : comp: Folk; arr: George Andreani
11 - Hamavdil (Canción Sabática)
Composer(s) : comp: Folk; arr: George Andreani