The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

Holidays in the Sephardic Heritage

Additional information (PDF) is only available
through the Research Station
Catalogue Number301067
Matrix Number N/A
Record Label C.Parchi
Record FormatCassette tape
Shelf Number301067
Number of Tracks10
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Enjoy Jewish holiday songs from Morocco, Turkey, Italy, Greece, and Jerusalem! The Sephardic tradition for the holidays is beautifully expressed in these nineteen songs.

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - Yigdal (Faz Maroco)
Composer(s) : Faz/Morocco - Lyrics: R. Daniel Ben Yehuda; Arr. Rami Bar David
2 - Adon Haselichot (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: Unknown; Arr. Rami Bar David
3 - Et Sha'are Ratson (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: R. Yehuda Iben Shmuel Abbas; Arr. Rami Bar David
4 - El Nora ' Alilah (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: Moshe Iben Ezra; Arr. Rami Bar David
5 - Suka Velulav (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: Moshe Ben Ya'akov Dahan; Arr. Rami Bar David
6 - Adir Kevodo (Spain) - Mipi El (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: Unknown; Arr. Rami Bar David
7 - Tffilat Hageshem (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: Shlomo Iben G'virol; Arr. Rami Bar David
8 - Mi Ze Yemalel (Kazablankah)
Composer(s) : Casablanca - Lyrics: R. David ben Aharon Hasin; Arr. Rami Bar David
9 - Kol Pirche Hagan(Tatwan)
Composer(s) : Tetuan - Lyrics: Unknown; Arr. Rami Bar David; translated from Ladino Avner Pertz
10 - Lefaer Echpots (Saloniki)
Composer(s) : Salonki - Lyrics: from the Haggadah; Arr. Rami Bar David; translated from Ladino Avner Pertz
11 - Kadesh Urchats (Saloniki)
Composer(s) : Salonki - Lyrics: from the Haggadah; Arr. Rami Bar David
12 - Ha Lachma (Pilipifoli)
Composer(s) : Filipopoli - Lyrics: from the Haggadah; Arr. Rami Bar David
13 - Dayenu (Sarayevo)
Composer(s) : Sarajevo - Lyrics: from the Haggadah; Arr. Rami Bar David
14 - Chad Gadia (Maroco)
Composer(s) : Morocco - Lyrics: from the Haggadah; Arr. Rami Bar David
15 - Bar Yocchai (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: R. Shimon Lavie; Arr. Rami Bar David
16 - Dror Yikra (Turke)
Composer(s) : Turkey - Lyrics: Donash ben Lavrat; Arr. Rami Bar David
17 - Hamavdil (Spain)
Composer(s) : Spain - Lyrics: R. Yitzchak Ibn Chayat; Arr. Rami Bar David
18 - Shavuw'a tov (Tangier)
Composer(s) : Tanjir - Lyrics: Unknown; Arr. Rami Bar David; translated from Ladino Avner Pertz