The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage, Volume 1

Catalogue Number8.559405
Matrix Number N/A
Record Label Naxos
Record FormatCD
Shelf Number100046
Number of TracksN/A
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage, Volume 1

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - Der Nayer Sher (The New Sher)
Composer(s) : N/A
2 - Ogyn (Eyes)
Composer(s) : N/A
3 - Ikh Vil Es Hern Nokh Amol (I Want to Hear it Again)
Composer(s) : N/A
4 - Ikh Zing (For You I Sing)
Composer(s) : N/A
5 - Abi Gezunt (So Long As You're Healthy)
Composer(s) : N/A
6 - Zog Es Mir Nokh Amol (Tell Me Again)
Composer(s) : N/A
7 - Di Grine Kuzine (The Greenhorn Cousin)
Composer(s) : N/A
8 - Vos Geven Iz Geven Un Nito (What Was, Was, and Is No More)
Composer(s) : N/A
9 - Oy Mame, Bin Ikh Farlibt (Oh, Mama, I'm in Love)
Composer(s) : N/A
10 - Zog, Zog, Zog Es Mir (Tell Me, Say It to Me)
Composer(s) : N/A
11 - Der Dishvasher (The Dishwasher)
Composer(s) : N/A
12 - Du Shaynst Vi Di Zun (You Shine Like the Sun)
Composer(s) : N/A
13 - Vos Iz Gevorn Fun Mayn Shtetele? (Whatever Became of My Shtetl?)
Composer(s) : N/A
14 - Mazl (Good Fortune)
Composer(s) : N/A
15 - Ikh Bin a 'Boarder' Bay Mayn Vayb (I'm a Boarder at My Wife's)
Composer(s) : N/A
16 - Der Alter Tsigayner (The Old Gypsy)
Composer(s) : N/A