Georgina Dieter Dennis

Georgina Dieter Dennis, who passed away in 2006, had a storied music career, starting at the age of 12 when she won the New York Music Week Association Junior Bronze Medal. She was awarded a scholarship to the Institute of Musical Arts of the Juilliard Foundation and later sang with the National Opera Association. She made her debut at New York’s Town Hall in 1937 and then went on to Canada to sing with the Civic Music Light Opera Company and back to the States to New York’s Erlanger Theater and the Majestic.  Dennis sang in every state in the Union during World War II and presented programs with James Victor’s Band for the USO.

Dennis knew she was fortunate to have training and opportunities from an early age. She wanted to provide opportunities for others and so established the Georgina Dieter Dennis Foundation prior to her passing.


These recordings made in October 1937 (courtesy of the Georgina Dieter Dennis Foundation) were digitized by FAU Recorded Sound Archives February 25, 2015.

Total: 1

Georgina Dieter Town Hall October 6 1937