The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

VZL 395: Bedouin Festival in the Negev

Additional information (PDF) is only available
through the Research Station
Catalogue NumberVZL 395
Matrix Number N/A
Record Label Vistas of Israel
Record Format33 1/3 RPM - 12"
Shelf Number801339
Number of TracksN/A
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Bedouin Festival in the Negev (mostly narrative)

Today's Vistas of Israel program takes place in 1968 at an Arab Bedouin Festival held in the Negev Desert. A few of the participants and organizers are interviewed. About 3000 Bedouins took part in the festivities, which including the racing of purebred Arabian horses as well as the racing of camels.

Small excerpts of two Arab songs are played with a flute-type of instrument as accompaniment and are joyous in nature, such as songs played at weddings. A discussion takes place about the merits of civilization versus the old ways and even talks about the making of coffee and the non-participation of women in some activities. At the end of the program, a spokesman indicates that it was good for the Arabs and Jews to meet one another and partake in the goings-on. 8:07-8:45

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

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1 - Bedouin Festival in the Negev
Composer(s) : N/A