The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

Six Montreal Poets

Catalogue NumberFL 9805
Matrix Number N/A
Record Label Folkways Ethnic Records
Record Format33 1/3 RPM - 10"
Shelf Number405502
Number of TracksN/A
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Six Montreal Poets

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - A. J. M. Smith: My Death
Composer(s) : N/A
2 - A. J. M. Smith: Sonnet
Composer(s) : N/A
3 - A. J. M. Smith: Like an Old King in Parable
Composer(s) : N/A
4 - A. J. M. Smith: A Hyacinth for Edith
Composer(s) : N/A
5 - A. J. M. Smith: Noctambule
Composer(s) : N/A
6 - A. J. M. Smith: The Plot Against Proteus
Composer(s) : N/A
7 - A. J. M. Smith: Business as Usual/Fear as Normal
Composer(s) : N/A
8 - A. J. M. Smith: The Archer
Composer(s) : N/A
9 - Leonard Cohen: Beside the Shepherd
Composer(s) : N/A
10 - Leonard Cohen: For Wilf and His House
Composer(s) : N/A
11 - Leonard Cohen: Elegy
Composer(s) : N/A
12 - Leonard Cohen: Les Veius
Composer(s) : N/A
13 - Leonard Cohen: Warning
Composer(s) : N/A
14 - Leonard Cohen: The Sparrows
Composer(s) : N/A
15 - Leonard Cohen: Lovers
Composer(s) : N/A
16 - Leonard Cohen: Poem
Composer(s) : N/A
17 - Irving Layton: The Improved Binoculars
Composer(s) : N/A
18 - Irving Layton: The Cold Green Element
Composer(s) : N/A
19 - Irving Layton: The Bull Calf
Composer(s) : N/A
20 - Irving Layton: The Fertile Muck
Composer(s) : N/A
21 - Irving Layton: The Birth of Tragedy
Composer(s) : N/A
22 - Irving Layton: Maxie
Composer(s) : N/A
23 - F. T. Scott: Surfaces
Composer(s) : N/A
24 - F. T. Scott: Lakeshore
Composer(s) : N/A
25 - F. T. Scott: Laurentian Shield
Composer(s) : N/A
26 - F. T. Scott: The Bird
Composer(s) : N/A
27 - F. T. Scott: Caring
Composer(s) : N/A
28 - F. T. Scott: Bonne Entente
Composer(s) : N/A
29 - F. T. Scott: Memory
Composer(s) : N/A
30 - F. T. Scott: Will to Win
Composer(s) : N/A
31 - F. T. Scott: Conflict
Composer(s) : N/A
32 - Louis Dudek: Poem 19 from Europe
Composer(s) : N/A
33 - Louis Dudek: Line and Form
Composer(s) : N/A
34 - Louis Dudek: The Pomegranate
Composer(s) : N/A
35 - Louis Dudek: A Cracker Jack
Composer(s) : N/A
36 - Louis Dudek: To an Unknown in a Restaurant
Composer(s) : N/A
37 - Louis Dudek: Poem 95 from Europe
Composer(s) : N/A
38 - A. M. Klein: Psalm XXII
Composer(s) : N/A
39 - A. M. Klein: Plumaged Proxy
Composer(s) : N/A
40 - A. M. Klein: The Rocking Chair
Composer(s) : N/A
41 - A. M. Klein: Political Meeting
Composer(s) : N/A
42 - A. M. Klein: For the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu
Composer(s) : N/A
43 - A. M. Klein: Montreal
Composer(s) : N/A