The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

The Kiddie Hit Parade

Additional information (PDF) is only available
through the Research Station
Catalogue NumberSA32053
Matrix Number N/A
Record Label Triton Studios
Record Format33 1/3 RPM - 12"
Shelf Number401994
Number of Tracks16
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes The Kiddie Hit Parade

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - Od Lo Ahavti Dai (I haven't loved enough)
Composer(s) : N. Shemer/R. Weiss
2 - Hippo Hippy
Composer(s) : L. Luenfeld, C. Oshrat/C. Oshrat
3 - Lo Rotseh Le'echol (I don't want to eat)
Composer(s) : G. Goren/G.Goren
4 - Sh'naim Asar Y'rochim (Twelve months of the year)
Composer(s) : N. Shemer/I, Virzberg
5 - Maya
Composer(s) : S. Chanoch/R. Weiss
6 - A-Ba-Ni-Bi
Composer(s) : E. Manor, N. Hirsch/C. Oshrat
7 - Hagan Shelanu Sagur (Our Nursery School is Closed)
Composer(s) : Y. Gefen, Y. Rechter/I. Vitzberg
8 - I was Born for Peace
Composer(s) : U. Hitman; Arr.: I. Virtzberg
9 - Rutzi Shmulik Korai Lach (Run, Shmulik is calling you)
Composer(s) : S. Chizik/A. Zilber, C. Romano
10 - Barba Abba
Composer(s) : Y.Tahar-Lev, N.Hirsch/N. Hirsch
11 - Ma Osem Ha'aitsim (What do trees do?)
Composer(s) : A. Hiller, N. Shemer/I. Virtzberg
12 - Bimdinat Hagamadim (In the land of the Lilliput)
Composer(s) : A. Amitai, M. Wilenski/C. Virtzberg
13 - Shuvi Dubi
Composer(s) : G. Koren/M. Moskovits
14 - Eyal
Composer(s) : Y. Tahar-Lev, S. Paykov/R. Weiss
15 - Madua Hazibra Loveshet P'jama
Composer(s) : H. Hillel, D. Zeltser/Z. Ulman
16 - Ratsiti Shetaida
Composer(s) : U. Hitman/Y. Rosenblum