The Recorded Sound Archives (RSA) is a unit of FAU Libraries Special Collections department. We are located in the Wimberly Library on FAU's Boca Raton campus.

Originally established in 2002 as a small project dedicated to the preservation of recorded Jewish music, it has matured into a robust digitization operation for all types of sound recordings.

The Traditional Chant of the Synagogue

Additional information (PDF) is only available
through the Research Station
Catalogue NumberCGL 642/3/4
Matrix Number DBH ORG
Record Label Collector's Guild
Record Format33 1/3 RPM - 12"
Shelf Number400911
Number of Tracks28
Date RecordedN/A
Album Artists
Notes Believing that a hazzan must be prepared to serve whatever congregation calls him, the Cantor has included major regional variations in the musical patterns and in pronunciation.

Recordings restricted by copyright will only play 45 seconds to give you a sense of what that recording originally sounded like. These recordings can be identified by the words (Research Station) in the music player.

If a song listed below has not been digitized yet, it will NOT show up within the player. If you need us to digitize this song/album, you can make a formal request here.
1 - Lekhu Nerannena
Composer(s) : N/A
2 - Lekha Dodi
Composer(s) : N/A
3 - Arvit: Nusah A
Composer(s) : N/A
4 - Arvit: Nusah B
Composer(s) : N/A
5 - Arvit: Nusah B (cont.)
Composer(s) : N/A
6 - Arvit: Nusah C
Composer(s) : N/A
7 - Reader's Repetitions: Amida
Composer(s) : N/A
8 - Qiddush
Composer(s) : N/A
9 - Shokhen Ad
Composer(s) : N/A
10 - Kel Adon
Composer(s) : N/A
11 - Ahava Rabba
Composer(s) : N/A
12 - Malkenu
Composer(s) : N/A
13 - Amida: Avot
Composer(s) : N/A
14 - Qedusha
Composer(s) : N/A
15 - Amidah: Yismah Moshe
Composer(s) : N/A
16 - Amidah: Yaale Weyavo
Composer(s) : N/A
17 - Amidah: Wetehezena
Composer(s) : N/A
18 - Amidah: Al Hanissim
Composer(s) : N/A
19 - Amida (concl.)- Weal V'al Kullam, Sim Shalom
Composer(s) : N/A
20 - Torah Service
Composer(s) : N/A
21 - Torah Blessings
Composer(s) : N/A
22 - Torah Service (contd.): Yequm Purqan (Y'Kum Purkan)
Composer(s) : N/A
23 - Torah Service (contd.): Shabbat Mevarekhim
Composer(s) : N/A
24 - Torah Service (conld.)- Av Horahahim, Hazi-Qaddish
Composer(s) : N/A
25 - Qedusha: Naarizekha
Composer(s) : N/A
26 - Qedusha (contd.): Keter
Composer(s) : N/A
27 - Qedusha (contd.): Kevodo
Composer(s) : N/A
28 - Amida- Tikanta Shabbat, Uwyom HaShabbat
Composer(s) : N/A