What will happen to the JSA?

By , October 11, 2010 10:32 am


phonograph-jsa-bigThe question that everyone has been asking me since Nathan Tinanoff resigned his position as Director of the JSA on September 30th  is,”What will happen to the Judaica Sound Archives?

The JSA will continue to thrive…but, there will be changes.

What will stay the same?

1. The JSA will continue to have the largest online collection of Judaic music and voice in the world.

2. The JSA website (rsa.fau.edu/judaic) will continue to delight you with collections featuring performers of the past, cantorial greats and new artists.

3. The JSA Research Station will continue to bring Judaic music to scholars and students at institutions of Judaic studies around the world.

4. The JSA blog will continue to bring you information about new music collections and the goings on at the JSA at Florida Atlantic University.

5. The JSA will continue to be found on the 5th floor of the Wimberly Library on FAU’s Boca Raton campus.

What will change?

The JSA will no longer stand alone.  It is now part of a family of sound archives at FAU Libraries.  The newly formed Recorded Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University Libraries is larger and more diverse. The JSA  will join a preservation effort that includes not only Jewish culture but also classical music, opera, jazz and American folk and pop.

I am pleased to accept the position as Director of FAU Library’s Recorded Sound Archives. I have worked closely with Nat Tinanoff since the inception of the JSA. As the JSA’s Assistant Director I have seen it grow from a few thousand recordings into a major Judaic music resource.

I look forward to building upon our success as we develop FAU’s Recorded Sound Archives.

2 Responses to “What will happen to the JSA?”

  1. chaim says:

    does that mean that jazz is jewish music and jewish music is jazz i thought chazanus and louis armstrong and dianne krall was something distinct oh how the lines have blurred

    • Maxine Schackman says:

      There are 3 distiinct collections within the Recorded Sound Archives: (1) The Judaic Collection – also known as the Judaica Sound Archives; (2) the Jazz collection which, of course includes the music of Jewish Jazz performers, and (3) Vintage 78s Collection which includes all genres. I hope this helps to answer your question.

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